Dr. William Mong Donation
With the support from Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund Ltd., WMINST has funded the following projects:
A Two-dimensional Electrocatalyst for Smart CO2 Reduction
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Zengtang Luo
Department: Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Funding Period: 2022 to 2025
Research on Exotic Properties of Twisted Graphene and Other Moire Super-lattice Materials
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Ning Wang
Department: Department of Physics
Funding Period: 2021 to 2024
Casimir Forces in Two Dimensional Systems
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Ho Bun Chan
Department: Department of Physics
Funding Period: 2021 to 2025
Studies of Spin-polarized Photocurrent in MBE-grown Topological Insulator and Topological Superconductor Thin Films and Heterostructures
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Philip Sou
Department: Department of Physics
Funding Period: 2019 to 2020
Quantiative Analysis of Weak Antilocalization Effect of Topological Surface State in Topological Insulator BiSbTeSe2
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Jiannong Wang
Department: Department of Physics
Funding Period: 2019 to 2022
Quantum Coherrence between Atoms and Photons
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Shengwang Du
Department: Department of Physics
Funding Period: 2019 to 2020
Photophysics of 2D Materials and Control of Light Emission Direction and Spontaneous Emisson Rate in Fluorophores by Metasurfaces
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Kam Sing Wong
Department: Department of Physics
Funding Period: 2018 to 2021
Advanced Optoelectronics based on 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides/3D Perovskite Nanowires Arrays Hybrid Structures
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Zhiyong Fan
Department: Department of Electronics & Computer Engineering
Funding Period: 2018 to 2020
Surface Plasmon Transformations using Metasurfaces
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Tsan Han Li, Jensen
Department: Department of Physics
Funding Period: 2018 to 2020
Interface Between Lateral Graphene/h-BN Heterojunctions for Thermoelectric Devices
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Zhengtang Luo
Department: Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering
Funding Period: 2018 to 2020
Quantum Hall States and Novel Properties in Atomically Thin Layered Materials
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Ning Wang
Department: Department of Physics
Funding Period: 2018 to 2020
Topological Effects in Photomic and Acoustic Crystals and Metamaterials
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Che Ting Chan
Department: Department of Physics
Funding Period: 2018 to 2020
Nano-plasmonic Metamaterials for Polarization Control and Optomechanical Actuation
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Ho Bun Chan
Department: Department of Physics
Funding Period: 2011 to 2019
Slip-Enhanced Electrokinetic Energy Conversion in Carbon Nanochannels
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Ping Sheng
Department: Department of Physics
Funding Period: 2011 to 2020
Development of In-situ Technology for Manipulation and Property Characterization of Nanostructures
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Ning Wang
Department: Department of Physics
Funding Period: 2011 to 2014
Chemical Approaches to Functional Semiconductor and Metal Nanostructures
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Xiao Yuan Li and Prof. Shihe Yang
Department: Department of Chemistry
Funding Period: 2011 to 2016
Safe and Effective Infection Control Strategies using Emerging Nanomaterials and Technologies
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. King Lun Yeung
Department: Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Funding Period: 2011 to 2018
Joint Laboratory in Nano Science and Technology
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. King Lun Yeung
Department: Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Funding Period: 2009 to 2015
Assessment of the Allergic and Carcinogenic Potential of Nanoparticles by Cellular Markers
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Chak K. Chan and Prof. Arthur Lau
Department: Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Funding Period: 2009
Nanomaterial Synthesis in Microreactor
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. King Lun Yeung
Department: Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Funding Period: 2009
Development of Multifunctional Nanomaterials
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Ben Zhong Tang
Department: Department of Chemistry
Funding Period: 2009
Mission-specific Cell Microchips: A Platform Technology for Disease Diagnostics
Principal Investigator(s): Prof. Hongkai Wu
Department: Department of Chemistry
Funding Period: 2009
The following equipments are funded or matched in part by WMINST, with the support from Dr. William Mong Man Wai and the Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund Ltd. These equipments are supposed to be community equipments that are housed and operated by the Materials Characterisation and Preparation Facility (MCPF) and the Nanoelectronics Fabrication Facility (NFF), both are central research facilities of HKUST.
Special Support for Equipment for Prof. Sen Yang, Department of Physics, HKUST:
- An integrated measurement system for quantum information and quantum materials research under extreme conditions
Equipments housed and operated by MCPF:
- Bruker SPM Icon
- Purchase of EDS-Detector System on JEOL Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) for upgrade of UltimMax 170
- PT Scanning Probe Microscope-Dimension ICON
- Hrdrostatic Pressure Cells for Electrical Measurement
- Wedge Bonder ASM AB520
- Veeco Innova Scanning Probe Microscope
- 6W All-lines Visible (458-514nm) Argon Laser System
- 300W Solar Simulator
- Water Conditioner
- Local Made Transformer
- Air Mass Global Filter
- Magnification Changer
- Semiconductor I-V Test Station
- CIMPS Electrochemical Cell and Light Source
- Controlled Intensity Modulated Photospectroscopy Set
- Zennium Electrochemical Workstation
- Olympus BX61 Motorized Microscope
- Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy System with Silicon-Drift Detector
- Motorized XYZ Mapping Stage Raman
Equipments housed and operated by NFF:
- Medium Power Source - Measure Unit
- Source Meter
- High Power Source - Measure Unit
- Santak 3-phase On-link 40K UPS
- Natural Polypropylene Micro Fragment Adapter
- Edge Bead Remover
- Chiller HTG 3/4HP 240/50 TPSSAADI Type G, 5706T
- Fluorescence Illumination for Microscope
- TT-6E High Voltage Unit
- Control System of Ebeam Lithography System
- Three-phase Auto Transformer
- 3-Lug Female Triax to Male BNC
- Semiconductor Characterization System with Flat Panel Display
- Single Wafer Spin Coater for Manual Dispense
- Universal Wafer Alignment Tool
- Port Adapter with 5 of Convoluted Teflon Drain Tubing
- High Voltage Semiconductor Device Characterization System
- Test Fixture Option Upgrade for Agilent B1505A
- Power Device Analyzer/Curve Tracer
- Thin Film Deposition System for Silicon and Silicon Germanium Deposition
The following faculty received funding from the William Mong Institute of Nano Science and Technology in 2024-2025 in support of their collaborative research in nano science and technology through postgraduate studentships for their jointly supervised PhD students.
Co-advisors: Prof. Kam Sing Wong (Department of Physics) and Prof. Jonathan Halpert (Department of Chemistry)
PhD Student: Tai Ho Gideon MA
Project: Synthesis and photophysics of nanomaterials for applications in solar cells, LEDs and spintronics
Co-advisors: Prof. Qin Xu (Department of Physics) and Prof. Penger Tong (Department of Physics)
PhD Student: Yiming PANG
Project: Investigating the multiscale mechanics of living materials: From single cancer cells to multicellular cancer spheroids
Co-advisors: Prof. Rui Zhang (Department of Physics) and Prof. Ophelia Tsui (Department of Physics)
PhD Student: Xiwen CHEN
Project: Investigating the mobile surface layer in polymeric materials: collaboration between molecular simulation and experiment
In 2023-2024, the William Mong Institute of Nano Science and Technology provided seed funding to the following faculty advisors to support their research collaborations in nano science and technology by offering postgraduate studentships for their joint PhD students.
Co-advisors: Prof. Danqing Zhu (Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering) and Prof. Ying Chau (Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering)
PhD Student: Manisha Sandupama ABESEKARA
Project: Develop new nanotechnologies and toolkits to address delivery challenges and biological questions in the brain
Co-advisors: Prof. Rui Zhang (Department of Physics) and Prof. Ophelia Tsui (Department of Physics)
PhD Student: Xiwen CHEN
Project: Investigating the mobile surface layer in polymeric materials: collaboration between molecular simulation and experiment
蒙民偉納米科技研究所(WMINST) 是2025 第六屆大灣區軟物質生命物質論壇其中一個贊助單位。第六 屆大灣區軟物質生命物質論壇由香港科技大學(廣州)和香港科技大學共同主辦,已於 2025 年 1 月 10 日-13 日在廣東省廣州市香港科技大學(廣州) 舉行,旨在促進跨大灣區和國際間的學術交流與合作,共同推動軟物質生命物質領域的發展。同時,爲活躍於相關領域的科技工作者提供 口頭報告的交流平台,並爲研究生和博士後等青年學者設置專門的青年報告環節以及牆報交流平台。
The William Mong Institute of Nano Science and Technology is one of the sponsors of the 24th International Conference on High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics. It is held as a virtual event by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology during 4-7 July 2022, as a satellite conference to the International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, ICPS-2022, 27-30 June 2022, Sydney, Australia. Focus of this conference is new physics of semiconductors in high magnetic fields and newly emerging 2D systems in high magnetic fields.
The Greater Bay Area Symposium for Wave Functional Materials was held on 16-17 Oct, 2021. The William Mong Institute of Nano Science and Technology was one of the sponsors of this Symposium. As the Greater Bay Area of China have ever increasing number of researchers in the area of metamaterials and nanophotonics, it was delighted to have the opportunity to gather and have more discussions, deepening the collaborations between universities and research institutes in this exciting area.
The Frontiers of Nanomechanical Systems workshop was held virtually from January 19-21, 2021. Please visit https://fns2021.icfo.eu/ for more information.
The first HKUST-NJU Workshop on Quantum Materials, a bilateral workshop on quantum materials, was organized at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) with Nanjing University (NJU) in December, 2016 to promote bilateral collaboration between the two universities. Prof. Steven G. Louie from UC Berkeley has been invited to give talk. Speakers from both universities had research exchange and discussions. The second HKUST-NJU Workshop on Quantum Materials took place in November, 2017 at Nanjing University. Speakers from both universities gave talks to further strengthen collaboration. The third HKUST-NJU workshop on Quantum and Wave Functional Structures was organized in January 2019. Collaborative research between HKUST and NJU was further achieved.
NSS is organized by WMINST from 2013 to 2015. It involves nano researchers in HK, the Chinese Mainland, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Spain. The seminar series is structured with different themes focusing on both fundamental research, technologies and applications. The seminar series also has an important subsidiary purpose of enhancing the communication between the graduate students and postdocs of the relevant research groups. It consists of 10 seminars.
The Nano Seminar Series (NSS) is co-sponsored by WMINST with Dr. William Mong donation, the School of Science, the School of Engineering, Department of Physics, Nano Science and Technology Program and a RGC Collaborative Research Fund Project (project number HKUST9/CRF/08). The NSS consists of 12 seminars.
WMINST organized the Outsstanding Paper Award in April, 2012. There are three submissions for the William Mong Outstanding Paper Award. The Steering Committee (WMINST) has invited the three candidates to present their paper on April 27, 2012. The Steering Committee is pleased to announce the awardees and the amount of award as follows:
XU Xinpeng, student of PhD in Nano Science and Technology Program – HK$5,000
WANG Shubo, student of PhD in Nano Science and Technology Program – HK$5,000
ZHANG Lining, student of PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineering – HK$3,000
WMINST has sponsored and organized the Best Paper Award, which was held in February, 2011. There were four submissions. The four candidates gave presentation for the WMINST Steering Committee to select the awardee. Mr. Chen Shuyu, PhD student of the Nano Science and Technology Program, was awarded the Best Paper Award and the amount of award is HK$10,000. Mr. Wong Tai Lun and Miss Zhang Mengying, also PhD students of the Nano Science and Technology program, won the first runner-up and second runner-up respectively. The amount of award to Mr. Wong Tai Lun is HK$5,000 and that to Miss Zhang Mengying is HK$3,000.
WMINST is one of the sponsors of the East Asian Postgraduate Workshop on Nanoscience and Technology at HKUST in 2011 with support from Dr. William Mong Man Wai and the Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund Ltd. This workshop aims to set up a platform specifically for postgraduates involved in nanoscience and technology research, particularly in the East Asian region, to share their most recent work and research experience, and most importantly to seize the rare opportunity to initiate and establish international collaborative projects at the postgraduate level. Postgraduates will be able to obtain a global perspective of their research directions and often intuitions through communicating with other postgraduates working in associated disciplines of nanoscience and technology research.