Missions and Goals
The missions of WMINST are:
- to pursue world-class fundamental research in the area of nanostructured materials;
- to create critical interdisciplinary opportunities;
- to train human resources; and
- to partner with local and regional industry for technology transfer of research results.
The goals of WMINST are:
- to forge a multidisciplinary collaborative team;
- to generate new knowledge in the physics and chemistry of nanostructured materials and their attendant properties, with an eye towards industrial applications;
- to strengthen scientific interactions with other local research groups and top research groups around the world in nanostructured materials;
- to work with local industries to exploit commercialization opportunities emerging from nanostructured materials research;
- to provide general support to industry through better scientific understanding of such materials;
- to educate students in the science and technology of nanostructured materials; and
- to disseminate the most up-to-date discoveries and their implications to the general public.